
Change Your Food - Change Your Life!™ is a high-energy GOOD HEALTH Company.  We’ve created a CELEBRATION in Song of Livin’ The Good Food Life!  The only CD of its kind in all the World.  Uplifting!  Inspiring!  FUN! • Pop • Hip-Hop • R&B • Gospel • Teen Pop • Rap • Jazz • DANCE to it!  SING to it!  EXERCISE to it!  SHOP to it!  EAT to it!  DRINK to it! 
It just might make that healthful difference in your life! 

To download the FREE Song from your GIFT Card, enter your code below.  You have 16 Songs to choose from: Pop, Hip-Hop, R&B, Gospel, Teen Pop, Rap, Jazz and a BLUES!  Take a quick listen to each … then pick one.  That one is on us.  ENJOY!

Download the digital album and tracks below or go to our STORE to buy the CD, including stories, pictures and lyrics.

If you choose the digital Album or Track 11, “It’s Your Beat!” - KARAOKE PERFORMANCE TRACK, be sure to e-mail us - Dennis@ChangeYourFood.com -  so that we can send you the Lyrics.  
Have some FUN.  YOU could become our next Artist Ambassador!  Send your PERFORMANCE VIDEO to: Dennis@ChangeYourFood.com

Change Your Food - Change Your Life! Presents: GOOD LiViN'


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A CELEBRATION in Song of Livin’ The Good Food Life!

The only CD of its kind in all the World

It just might make that healthful difference in your life!

Uplifting! Inspiring! FUN!

Pop • Hip-Hop • R&B • Gospel • Teen Pop • Rap • Jazz

DANCE to it! SING to it! EXERCISE to it!

SHOP to it! EAT to it! DRINK to it!

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Sharin’ the Organic Good Food News ‘round the World! 

GOOD LiViN’ (Pop) AnnaMaria Palsey-Horn 

playing in a station with Madonna Australia playing in a station with Taylor Swift Israel playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Israel playing in a station with Taylor Swift Turkey playing in a station with Justin Bieber New Zealand playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Indonesia playing in a station with P!nk West Virginia playing in a station with Justin Bieber North Carolina playing in a station with Justin Bieber Maine playing in a station with Justin Bieber California playing in a station with Taylor Swift Japan playing in a station with Rihanna Pakistan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Rihanna Georgia, United States playing in a station with Justin Bieber Austria playing in a station with Katy Perry Mexico playing in a station with Taylor Swift United Kingdom playing in a station with Rihanna Paraguay playing in a station with P!nk Indonesia playing in a station with Lady GaGa Germany playing in a station with Justin Bieber Florida playing in a station with Rihanna Kansas playing in a station with Rihanna Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Uganda playing in a station with Justin Bieber Norway playing in a station with P!nk Guatemala playing in a station with Madonna California playing in a station with Rihanna Japan playing in a station with Taylor Swift Taiwan, Province of China playing in a station with P!nk Korea, District of playing in a station with Rihanna Indonesia playing in a station with Rihanna Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Montana playing in a station with P!nk Belgium playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Ohio playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber California playing in a station with Justin Bieber United Kingdom playing in a station with Madonna Missouri playing in a station with Taylor Swift Singapore playing in a station with Rihanna Israel playing in a station with Rihanna Malaysia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Virginia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Netherlands playing in a station with Madonna Spain playing in a station with Madonna South Carolina playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Portugal playing in a station with Justin Bieber Egypt playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Texas playing in a station with Lady GaGa Indonesia playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Australia playing in a station with Lady GaGa Chile playing in a station with Rihanna 
District of Columbia, United States playing in a station with Rihanna Ireland playing in a station with Katy Perry Illinois playing in a station with Rihanna Minnesota playing in a station with Rihanna Kuwait playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Japan playing in a station with Madonna Florida, playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with P!nk Canada playing in a station with Lady GaGa Romania playing in a station with Madonna Brazil playing in a station with Madonna Brazil playing in a station with P!nk Maryland playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with P!nk Washington playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Rihanna Peru playing in a station with Justin Bieber Philippines playing in a station with P!nk Canada playing in a station with P!nk Japan playing in a station with Madonna Malta playing in a station with Justin Bieber Kenya playing in a station with Rihanna Virginia playing in a station with Madonna Mexico playing in a station with P!nk Korea, Republic of playing in a station with Justin Bieber Philippines playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Katy Perry Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Indonesia playing in a station with Rihanna 
Philippines playing in a station with Rihanna Malaysia playing in a station with John Mayer Hong Kong playing in a station with Taylor Swift Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Cayman Islands playing in a station with Rihanna Israel playing in a station with Taylor Swift Saudi Arabia playing in a station with Rihanna Israel 

GO-O (R&B) Gary L. Wyatt 

playing in a station with Taylor Swift Guatemala playing in a station with Justin Bieber Indonesia playing in a station with Lady GaGa Connecticut playing in a station with Justin Bieber Salina, Kansas playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Katy Perry Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Lady GaGa Florida playing in a station with Katy Perry Texas playing in a station with John Mayer Japan playing in a station with Madonna Jamaica playing in a station with Madonna Canada playing in a station with Madonna Canada playing in a station with Madonna Israel playing in a station with Taylor Swift Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Mexico playing in a station with John Mayer California playing in a station with Justin Bieber Connecticut playing in a station with Katy Perry Washington playing in a station with John Mayer Indiana playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Rihanna India playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Japan playing in a station with Katy Perry Costa Rica playing in a station with Justin Bieber India in a station with Rihanna India playing in a station with Justin Bieber Pakistan playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Mexico playing in a station with Justin Bieber New York playing in a station with Justin Bieber Taiwan, Province of China playing in a station with Justin Bieber Bermuda playing in a station with Taylor Swift Nebraska playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Katy Perry Estonia playing in a station with Rihanna Spain 

7 HOT Minutes of ‘Til My Change Comes – LIVE! (Gospel) Pastor Gary L. Wyatt with The Jackson Sistas & SureHouse Band 

playing in a station with Katy Perry Israel playing in a station with Taylor Swift Slovakia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Korea, Republic of playing in a station with Taylor Swift South Africa playing in a station with Madonna Costa Rica playing in a station with Lady GaGa Missouri playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Rihanna California playing in a station with Madonna Montana playing in a station with Taylor Swift Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Madonna Korea, Republic of playing in a station with Taylor Swift Israel playing in a station with Justin Bieber Brazil playing in a station with Rihanna Jamaica playing in a station with Justin Bieber Germany playing in a station with Justin Bieber Panama playing in a station with Madonna Kansas playing in a station with Justin Bieber Thailand playing in a station with John Mayer Belgium playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Mississippi playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Mexico playing in a station with Justin Bieber Philippines playing in a station with Justin Bieber Israel playing in a station with Madonna Israel playing in a station with Rihanna Indonesia playing in a station with Taylor Swift Virginia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Saudi Arabia playing in a station with Lady GaGa Netherlands playing in a station with Justin Bieber Malaysia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Mississippi playing in a station with Taylor Swift Japan playing in a station with Rob Thomas 
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of playing in a station with John Mayer Saudi Arabia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Saudi Arabia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Jamaica playing in a station with Justin Bieber Saudi Arabia playing in a station with Rihanna Indonesia playing in a station with Madonna Belgium playing in a station with Lady GaGa Japan playing in a station with Madonna Ohio playing in a station with John Mayer Canada playing in a station with P!nk Israel 

GET UP! (Pop with a little Jamaican beat!) Gary L. Wyatt & 5-year old Nique Nique 

playing in a station with Justin Bieber Guatemala playing in a station with Justin Bieber Philippines playing in a station with Justin Bieber Michigan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with P!nk Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Spain playing in a station with Justin Bieber Malta playing in a station with Taylor Swift Ukraine playing in a station with Justin Bieber Israel playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Katy Perry Korea, Republic of playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas District of Columbia, United States playing in a station with Rihanna Illinois playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Kuwait playing in a station with John Mayer Pennsylvania playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Indonesia playing in a station with Rihanna Indonesia playing in a station with John Mayer Japan playing in a station with Rihanna Germany playing in a station with Justin Bieber Illinois playing in a station with Katy Perry Canada playing in a station with Rihanna Romania playing in a station with Rihanna Ethiopia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Hong Kong playing in a station with Taylor Swift Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber India playing in a station with Rihanna Colombia playing in a station with John Mayer Canada playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Mississippi playing in a station with Justin Bieber Philippines playing in a station with Justin Bieber Philippines playing in a station with Justin Bieber Indonesia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Rihanna Spain playing in a station with Rihanna Turkey playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Germany 

Oreo® Cookie Blues (BLUES!) Nick Vigarino 

playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Singapore playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Mexico playing in a station with Justin Bieber Israel playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas United Arab Emirates playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Japan playing in a station with Taylor Swift Pakistan playing in a station with Taylor Swift Washington playing in a station with Rihanna South Africa playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Israel playing in a station with Rihanna Maryland playing in a station with Justin Bieber Nevada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Oregon playing in a station with Rihanna Mexico playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Rob Thomas Japan playing in a station with Madonna Bulgaria playing in a station with Rihanna Oregon playing in a station with Justin Bieber California playing in a station with Rihanna Japan playing in a station with Taylor Swift Japan playing in a station with Katy Perry Taiwan, Province of China playing in a station with Madonna Germany playing in a station with Rihanna United Arab Emirates playing in a station with Taylor Swift Louisiana playing in a station with Katy Perry Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber 
Tennessee playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with John Mayer Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Lady GaGa Canada playing in a station with Rihanna Spain playing in a station with Rihanna Turkey playing in a station with Rihanna South Africa 

It’s Your Beat! (Teen Pop) Keely Clark 

playing in a station with Lady GaGa United Kingdom playing in a station with Justin Bieber Philippines playing in a station with Justin Bieber Michigan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Philippines playing in a station with Justin Bieber Colorado playing in a station with Justin Bieber Israel playing in a station with P!nk New Jersey playing in a station with Madonna Canada playing in a station with P!nk South Carolina playing in a station with P!nk Mexico playing in a station with Madonna Japan playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Colombia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber New Zealand playing in a station with Katy Perry Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Florida playing in a station with P!nk Japan playing in a station with Rihanna United Arab Emirates playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Delaware playing in a station with John Mayer Brazil playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Slovakia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Spain playing in a station with Rihanna United Kingdom playing in a station with Madonna Texas playing in a station with Rihanna Virginia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber 
South Africa playing in a station with P!nk Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Katy Perry Canada playing in a station with Taylor Swift Canada playing in a station with Taylor Swift Wisconsin playing in a station with Rihanna Greece playing in a station with Justin Bieber Panama playing in a station with Rihanna Philippines playing in a station with Justin Bieber Malaysia playing in a station with Madonna California playing in a station with Madonna Croatia 

Don’t Buy The Lie! (Rap)
Solomon Wyatt & The Sanctified Soldiers ATK-Dre, Tmac, K-Strat 

playing in a station with P!nk Philippines playing in a station with Justin Bieber Taiwan, Province of China playing in a station with Justin Bieber Puerto Rico playing in a station with Katy Perry Florida playing in a station with Katy Perry Colombia playing in a station with Taylor Swift Texas playing in a station with Katy Perry Canada playing in a station with John Mayer Wyoming playing in a station with Katy Perry United Kingdom playing in a station with Lady GaGa Korea, Republic of playing in a station with Rihanna Israel playing in a station with Justin Bieber Peru playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Singapore playing in a station with Taylor Swift Pakistan playing in a station with Taylor Swift Japan playing in a station with Lady GaGa Massachusetts playing in a station with Justin Bieber Texas playing in a station with Katy Perry Philippines playing in a station with P!nk Florida playing in a station with Justin Bieber Bahrain playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Madonna South Africa playing in a station with Rihanna Israel playing in a station with Madonna Texas playing in a station with Justin Bieber India playing in a station with P!nk New York playing in a station with Justin Bieber Taiwan, Province of China playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Rihanna Spain playing in a station with Rihanna Pennsylvania 

I Once Was Blind (Pop) Gary L. Wyatt 

playing in a station with Rihanna Ecuador playing in a station with Lady GaGa Israel playing in a station with Justin Bieber United Kingdom playing in a station with P!nk Israel playing in a station with Rihanna Ohio playing in a station with Taylor Swift Indonesia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Brazil playing in a station with Justin Bieber Mexico playing in a station with Justin Bieber Egypt playing in a station with Taylor Swift Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Rihanna Korea, Republic of playing in a station with Justin Bieber Israel playing in a station with Lady GaGa Mexico playing in a station with Justin Bieber Mexico playing in a station with Madonna South Africa playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Malaysia playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Japan playing in a station with Taylor Swift Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Taylor Swift France playing in a station with Madonna Mexico playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Taylor Swift Japan playing in a station with Taylor Swift Bermuda playing in a station with Justin Bieber Malaysia playing in a station with Taylor Swift Canada playing in a station with Madonna Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Lady GaGa Egypt playing in a station with Rihanna Estonia playing in a station with Madonna Serbia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Arizona playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Mexico 

MaryJanesFarm (Country Jazz) Ellen Livesay 

playing in a station with P!nk Israel playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Philippines playing in a station with John Mayer Philippines playing in a station with Justin Bieber Virginia playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Saint Vincent and the Grenadines playing in a station with P!nk Israel playing in a station with Rihanna Florida playing in a station with Taylor Swift Czech Republic playing in a station with Rihanna California playing in a station with Justin Bieber Israel playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Rihanna New York playing in a station with Katy Perry Japan playing in a station with Taylor Swift Australia playing in a station with P!nk Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber United Kingdom playing in a station with Madonna Mexico playing in a station with Rihanna Aruba playing in a station with Justin Bieber Taiwan, Province of China playing in a station with John Mayer Pennsylvania playing in a station with Madonna Korea, Republic of playing in a station with Taylor Swift Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Rihanna Korea, Republic of playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Arizona playing in a station with Justin Bieber Indonesia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Taylor Swift Illinois playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Israel playing in a station with Rihanna Indonesia playing in a station with Justin Bieber Kuwait playing in a station with Justin Bieber Mexico playing in a station with Justin Bieber Bolivia, Plurinational State of playing in a station with Taylor Swift South Africa playing in a station with Katy Perry Romania playing in a station with John Mayer Singapore playing in a station with Rihanna Czech Republic playing in a station with Taylor Swift Canada playing in a station with Rihanna Colombia playing in a station with Katy Perry Indonesia playing in a station with P!nk Texas playing in a station with Lady GaGa Michigan playing in a station with Taylor Swift California playing in a station with Justin Bieber Michigan playing in a station with Rihanna Malaysia playing in a station with Justin Bieber United Arab Emirates 

Sizzle for Me (Smoky Jazz) Ellen Livesay 

playing in a station with Justin Bieber Philippines playing in a station with Rihanna Indonesia playing in a station with P!nk Colombia playing in a station with Taylor Swift California playing in a station with Rihanna Japan playing in a station with P!nk Pennsylvania playing in a station with Rihanna Israel playing in a station with Madonna Israel playing in a station with P!nk Wisconsin playing in a station with Taylor Swift Japan playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas North Carolina playing in a station with Justin Bieber Germany playing in a station with Taylor Swift Idaho playing in a station with Taylor Swift Taiwan, Province of China playing in a station with Rihanna Colombia playing in a station with Katy Perry Taiwan, Province of China playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Californa playing in a station with Rihanna Japan playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Israel playing in a station with Katy Perry Canada playing in a station with Taylor Swift India playing in a station with Justin Bieber Malaysia playing in a station with John Mayer Mexico playing in a station with Justin Bieber Indonesia playing in a station with Rihanna Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Hong Kong playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber United Arab Emirates playing in a station with Rihanna Japan playing in a station with Rihanna American Samoa playing in a station with P!nk Hong Kong playing in a station with Taylor Swift Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber Florida playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Kuwait playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan 

Secret to Life (Just CHARMING!) 11-year old Nique Nique 

playing in a station with Taylor Swift Australia playing in a station with Justin Bieber District of Columbia, United States playing in a station with Justin Bieber Colombia playing in a station with Rihanna Israel playing in a station with Justin Bieber Japan playing in a station with Katy Perry Massachusetts playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Madonna 
Georgia, United States playing in a station with P!nk Mexico playing in a station with P!nk Australia playing in a station with Rihanna Mexico playing in a station with Taylor Swift Honduras playing in a station with Justin Bieber Spain playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Mississippi playing in a station with John Mayer United Arab Emirates playing in a station with Justin Bieber South Africa playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Israel playing in a station with Madonna Indiana playing in a station with Taylor Swift Indiana playing in a station with Rihanna Israel playing in a station with Taylor Swift Canada playing in a station with Rihanna Massachusetts 

I’d Like To Thank You (Gospel) Ellen Livesay 

playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Canada playing in a station with Justin Bieber Texas playing in a station with John Mayer Israel playing in a station with Rihanna Moldova, Republic of playing in a station with P!nk Canada playing in a station with Rihanna Japan playing in a station with Justin Bieber United Kingdom playing in a station with Katy Perry Austria playing in a station with Rihanna Mexico playing in a station with Rihanna Colorado playing in a station with Justin Bieber Texas playing in a station with John Mayer Canada playing in a station with John Mayer Brazil playing in a station with The Black Eyed Peas Mississippi playing in a station with Rihanna Israel playing in a station with Justin Bieber Philippines playing in a station with Rihanna Indonesia playing in a station with Madonna Japan playing in a station with P!nk Oklahoma

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Previous events

In partnership with the Washington Blues Society, the Downtown Issaquah Association is excited to announce Thursday night Gas Station Blues series. Come early and picnic on the grass. Bring a chair and/or blanket and enjoy the summers night blues. This is a free, all ages event open to the public.

When you’re takin’ in The NICK VIGARINO Show @ GAS STATION BLUES, YELL up on stage, “Hey, NICK, give us those Oreo® Cookie Blues from your GOOD LiViN’ CD!”  THEN, after NICK kills it, go on up and pick up a FREE MUSIC DOWNLOAD CARD and download yourself a copy of NICK VIGARINO'S RECORDING of "Oreo® Cookie Blues", which you just HEARD him perform, and that you'll want to REMEMBER & PLAY over and over again.


HISTORIC SHELL STATION 232 Front Street North, Issaquah, WA 425.391.1112


Featured Artists: 496 West, Deon Yates, Flint Southernaires, AWD, Jazz Saxophonist and the Lansing Community College Jazz Band with SPECIAL GUEST ANNMARIA PASLEY-HORN.

No cover.

Bring your lawn chairs.

“AnnaMaria Pasley-Horn is absolutely fantastic! Her voice is fresh like strawberries and cream, the Band is smooth like hot chocolate and the beat is kickin' like a cappuccino. You’ll love their groove!!!!”

Here’s some FUN: “A-Tisket, A-Tasket” https://fb.watch/sWRCl1w6of/


500 S Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Lansing, MI




SILVERTON STATION, Located just off I-5 in Stanwood, WA

This is a private residence and doesn’t publish its address.  RSVP below to receive address and directions.  

“Hey folks, this is a FREE Blues Festival with music, camping, and food from 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm! It is kid and pet friendly. YOU MUST REGISTER FIRST. For details, band line-up, go to https://www.silvertonstation.net/events/midsummer-blues-fest and register.  Tell them I referred you. See You There!” – NICK


Here’s a little something recent from NICK VIGARINO and his MEANTOWN BLUES BAND @ THE MUSE: https://www.facebook.com/832335129/videos/779917557622644/

SILVERTON STATION https://www.silvertonstation.net/


THE SPAR TAVERN, 2121 N 30th Street, Tacoma, WA

NICK’S BESTS: “Best bar food in Tacoma…Best Sunday music in Tacoma…Best price of admission in Tacoma…Best suggestion; Come in early for a good seat!”

Nick has garnered countless slide guitar fueled blues awards, and has been inducted into the Washington Blues Society’s Hall of Fame.

“That slide is naaasty!!” - Bo Diddley

After you ASK NICK to play “Oreo® Cookie Blues”, walk up and get yourself a FREE DOWNLOAD MUSIC CARD for his only recording of “Oreo® Cookie Blues”. Then, download to your phone and play it all the way Home to remember YOUR NIGHT with NICK!


2121 N 30th Street, Tacoma, WA



“Come hear the band playing in a beautifully restored, 1915, Scandinavian dairy barn, literally two minutes from the I-5 exit 221. The Conway Muse has a full bar, light snacks, and a smoking lounge; a paddle wheel boat, with a 1918, one lung engine, (no pun intended)! Proper wooden barn floor to dance your ass off to a night of in your face, all homemade, bottleneck slide driven, ‘Slop Jar Delta Funk’. – NICK

“Vigarino radiates an unpredictable fervor with slashing slide guitar, powerful vocals, funky licks, modern lyrics and his slop jar delta funk blues. His style elevates the blues to a place where the roots are respected yet nudged towards the future. He consistently captures, then rivets listeners with precise, passionate performances.” - Ray Varner; Blues Historian, Ethno-musicologist, and critic, contributes his writings to many music publications, including Living Blues Magazine, Jefferson (Sweden) and Caledonia.

Nick Vigarino’s Meantown Blues Band:

Nick - vocals, guitars, dobro, harp and gas can

Larry “Fishbone” McClure - Drums

Emmanuel “E-Man” del Casal - Bass

Nick Elguezabal - Sax

TICKETS: https://conwaymuse.com/event/nick-vigarino-saturday-june-15-2024-8-pm-conway-muse/


18444 Spruce Street, Conway, WA



NICK’S PERSONAL INVITE: “Homemade Pizza - Homemade Music - Libations - No Cover Charge - come on down!”

A “Review” of one of NICK’S previous SHOWS: “Nick took to dismantling what was left of all sensibility with the skill of a surgeon and the impact of a wrecking ball. We were promised that this guy smoked, but even that’s putting things lightly.”- The Bluesletter (Seattle, WA)


3006 Rucker Avenue, Everett, WA



“Looking forward to seeing my South Whidbey peeps at Bailey’s Corner Store!!” - NICK

Here’s a little something from NICK’S last appearance @ BAILEY’S: https://www.facebook.com/1034746135/videos/1349112685868489/  

BAILEY'S CORNER STORE 7695 Cultus Bay Road, Clinton, WA 360.579.1814 https://www.facebook.com/baileyscornerstore/

Nick Vigarino with Larry “Fishbone” McClure will be tearing it up at DOC’S RIVERSIDE TAPHOUSE in Snohomish/Machias!


“Dance your ass off or just grab a home brew and watch the river roll on by.” – NICK


After you ASK NICK to play “Oreo® Cookie Blues”, walk up and get yourself a FREE DOWNLOAD MUSIC CARD for his only recording of “Oreo® Cookie Blues”. Then, download to your phone and play it all the way Home to remember YOUR NIGHT with NICK!





ADRIAN RASO Winter/Spring 2024 Concert Series: https://youtu.be/iCiyrvG9Gc4

Tickets are now available for the final concert of the ADRIAN RASO Winter/Spring Concert Series at the Royal City Mission FEATURING blues sensation NICK VIGARINO. Get your tickets here: https://www.adrianraso.net/store

About ADRIAN RASO: Canadian guitarist blending gypsy jazz guitar with folk, blues and traditional gypsy roots. https://www.adrianraso.net/about-adrian https://www.facebook.com/theadrianraso/?locale=ku_TR

And matched with NICK VIGARINO https://www.facebook.com/1373863345/videos/5574688249325812/ … THAT’S A SHOW!

ROYAL CITY MISSION 50 Quebec Street Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H2T4 519.837.3777


 —  —

GUITAR FEST SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


Tuesday, March 19, 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Wednesday, March 20, 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Thirsday, March 21, 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Friday, March 22, 12:00 PM- 6:00 PM

Saturday, March 23, 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM

FIVE STRAIGHT DAYS OF NICK VIGARINO and MANY OTHERS 12 PM - 6:00 PM. PERFECT. Then plenty of time to DRINK and ‘review’ what you heard!


OPENING CONCERT, Saturday, March 2, 6 PM “Going to be such a blast! This is the 20th anniversary of one of my favorite festivals! This opening concert features a sampling from all eighteen acts that will be performing everyday and night throughout the week, so you can then choose which shows to attend…good luck with that!”- NV

CATALINA BEACH RESORT - PLAYA LA ROPA, Sunday, March 3, 2024 11:00 AM “Come meet us…and share some excellent food, some drink, and some music, with all us performers!” - NV

CASA DE LA CULTURA - NIGHT SHOW, Sunday, March 3, 2024 8:00 PM
“So looking forward to this night of playing with and listening to Locas y Cuerdas and my friend Jose’ Luis Cobo!” - NV

GALA DINNER SHOW - BRISAS EN LAS ROCAS, Tuesday, March 5, 2024 6:00 PM
“Beautiful dinner show with the incomparable José Luis Cobo!” - NV

ADELITOS - LA ROPA - DAY SHOW, Friday, March 8, 2024 1:00 PM
“Diego Garcia and I will start your Friday festival day with a good kick in the butt at Adelitos on La Ropa beach!” - NV

CLOSING CONCERT - THE PIER, Saturday, March 9, 2024 6:00 PM
“You never know whats going to happen on this one or who will wind up with who…you don’t want to miss it!” - NV

The Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival is a nonprofit association that is dedicated to creating an international world class event, bring first rate musicians and appreciative audiences from across the globe, generate tourism and raise cultural awareness within the community while raising money for art and cultural endeavors in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo.

TICKETS: www.Zihuafest.com/tickets/


“Looking forward to playing the Historic Everett Theatre again…and to checking out Ana’s current band line-up… Come join us.” – NICK

Internationally renowned guitarist, ANA POPOVIC, has built her career on defining and describing, on her own terms, the essence of American music, simultaneously pushing limits, bending genres and reinventing her music and herself with each new record.

Here’s a little “Something Funky” with NICK VIGARINO: https://youtu.be/zuErbFaLMSw

Here’s a little “Can't You See What You're Doing To Me” with ANA POPOVIC: https://youtu.be/p-1_Ev5J79U


QUESTION: Will the HISTORIC EVERETT THEATRE still be standing at the end of THEIR SHOW?

Ticket info: https://www.tixr.com/groups/yourhet/events/ana-popovic-80543

HISTORIC EVERETT THEATRE 2911 Colby Avenue, Everett, WA 425.258.6766 https://www.yourhistoriceveretttheatre.org/

“Come on down on a Tuesday for a heapin helpin of eats, drinks, and homemade ‘slop jar delta funk’!” – NICK


“Improvised instruments were part of the early blues scene.Blues legends described how band members would scour their neighborhoods for parts and pieces that could be turned into makeshift instruments. One tale out of Helena, Arkansas, described percussionists using old pickle jars and cracker barrels — anything they could find to keep a beat on. One solution was a barrel used by a butcher to catch hog slop. That was a good one because, like a drum set, it produced a variety of tones.

They called it a slop jar. I use a lot of old open tuning for slide guitar, hence the Delta tunings. And I’m always accused of being funky.” - NICK

MADISON AVENUE PUB 905 Madison Street, Everett, WA 425.348.7402


THE CONWAY MUSE , 18444 Spruce Street, Conway, WA

“Come join me, Larry “Fishbone” McClure and Emmanuel “E-Man” del Casal at the CONWAY MUSE, a beautiful space solely designed for music and the arts…no televised anything here! An environment created in a country setting for folks who want to enjoy the talent without the distractions. One minute from I-5!” - NICK

The CONWAY MUSE is located in a converted 1915 Norwegian dairy barn with an antique parlor bar. 21 and over nightclub.

“Sweet Love Lies” - NICK VIGARINO TRIO https://youtu.be/a76F9rm7Klk

Ticket info: https://conwaymuse.com/#event=76944866;instance=20231118200000?popup=1

THE CONWAY MUSE 18444 Spruce Street, Conway, WA
206.799.1179 https://conwaymuse.com/

“Come on down and chill with a little pre-Halloween cheer and some homemade tunes with Larry “Fishbone” McClure and me…ya never know who may pop in! - NICK

PLUS - Halloween Costume Party!


STANWOOD HOTEL & SALOON 26926 102nd Avenue NW, Stanwood, WA 360.629.2888 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063870945561


LAKE CITY PUB, 9106 Veterans Drive SW, Lakewood, WA

“Come and join me for my first time in here…looks like a great little joint! I’ll be kickin some solo ass!” – NICK

“Vigarino radiates an unpredictable fervor with slashing slide guitar, powerful vocals, funky licks, modern lyrics and his slop jar delta funk blues. He consistently captures, then rivets listeners with precise, passionate performances.” - Ray Varner; Blues Historian, Ethno-musicologist, and critic, contributes his writings to many music publications, including Living Blues Magazine, Jefferson (Sweden) and Caledonia.

“Send Me an Angel” https://www.facebook.com/kendallkaos/videos/10155611675484773/?t=62

LAKE CITY PUB 9106 Veterans Drive SW, Lakewood, WA 253.267.1309 https://www.facebook.com/TheLakeCityPub/

“I make my own sauce, but I gotta say this is some good ass, proper, BBQ! I’ll be Singing and manning the Guitars, Harp, Gas Can, and who knows what. Larry “Fishbone” McClure - Drums, Emmanuel del Casal - Bass, Chris Tuohy - Sax, Flute, Harp, Bennie Rawson - Trumpet, Trombone, & Flugelhorn. This a cool non-smoking room with great drinks, BBQ, and nice dance floor…and best of all THERE IS NO COVER CHARGE!!” - NICK

Here’s a little something GOOD from the NICK VIGARINO MEANTOWN BLUES BAND during their last Appearance @ QUIL CEDA CREEK CASINO: https://www.facebook.com/564277476/videos/1029555461748179/

QUIL CEDA CREEK CASINO 6221 31st Avenue NE, Tulalip, WA 360.716.1700 https://www.quilcedacreekcasino.com/